5 Tips to Stay Motivated for Online Study

5 Tips to Stay Motivated for Online Study

Stay Motivated with online study

How to Stay Motivated While Making Study Work With Your Life

Many people choose to study online because it’s one of the most flexible forms of learning. It gives you the freedom to decide when and where you’ll hit the books. At a cafe? In your pyjamas? Whilst the baby naps? Studying online is a great option for people who are juggling work or family commitments.

However, this level of independence can make it difficult to keep on track and meet deadlines. You might be currently wondering how to study for online classes. The good news is that with a little planning and discipline, it is possible to stay motivated and make the most of online study.

Remove Distractions

We’ve all sat down with well-meaning intentions to finish an assignment, only to find ourselves doing something completely different just a few minutes later.

Whether it’s a Facebook notification, the phone ringing, a knock on the door or a sudden urge to clean out the closet, distractions can be found everywhere. Managing distractions is the key to improving productivity, so make sure wherever you’ve chosen to work is free of anything that may pull your attention elsewhere. Leave the phone in another room, turn off the TV and stay away from others if you know they may disrupt you. You might need to head to a local library, cafe or park where it’s easier to stay motivated and harder to procrastinate by cleaning up the house.

Schedule Smart

It’s likely that your online course isn’t the only thing that requires your time. We all have other commitments and responsibilities to juggle and sometimes the days can fly by, leaving you wondering what you’ve actually achieved this week.
When dealing with competing tasks, it’s important to prioritise and schedule. Staying organised will make you feel more in control and less overwhelmed when your plate is full.

Try this:

  • Each Sunday take 30 minutes to plan out the week ahead.
  • Pencil in fixed things such as work or appointments.
  • Find where you have free time and schedule your study sessions.
  • After all, one of the many luxuries of studying online is making it work with your life and not the other way around.
  • When those scheduled times roll around, it’s important to try stick to your plan and complete the study session. Each week the amount of time you dedicate to your studies may differ, depending on your other commitments.
  • Stressing yourself out won’t help you stay motivated. Remember to keep this in mind when planning your week.

Celebrate Your Wins

Completing an online course is a big commitment and something you work hard to fit into your lifestyle. To stay motivated, it’s important to reward yourself when you’re doing well. Whether it’s great feedback on a recent assessment task or successfully completing all your planned study sessions for the week, make sure to stop to reflect on your achievements and be proud of them. A reward system such as a long bath, buying something you’ve had your eye on or having dinner with friends when you have a win can be a great way to stay motivated.

Top Study Tips from a CAL Student

Find a Buddy

Keeping yourself accountable to your studies can be a challenge, especially without scheduled classes to attend or campus to head to. Two is better than one though and having a study buddy can help you both stay motivated and on track.
Even if you aren’t studying the same topics, having someone in a similar situation to yourself can give you a chance to connect with another student and bounce ideas around freely. If you have someone in mind to study with, why not take advantage of our Refer a Friend program? You’ll not only get a study buddy to keep you motivated, but you’ll also both score a discount on your course fees.

Remember Why You Started

We all experience drops in motivation and it can feel overwhelming when you’ve had a break from doing coursework. Remember you can always reach out to your Coaches if you’re having trouble staying on track with your studies.
In times like these, it’s helpful to think about why you chose to begin your online course in the first place. To further your career? Get a head start in a new industry? There are many valuable reasons to be completing your studies.
Take a moment to visualise your goal and remember that all the hard work you’re putting in now, will be worth it!

How to Study Successfully: Tips from CAL Students

Your Success, Your Way

Online study is a great way to complete your qualification in a way that suits you. By staying motivated throughout your course, you’ll maximise your results and minimise the time spent completing it, meaning you’ll be in your new career role in no time.

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